StackExchange Answers: Shells
Sometimes a Stackoverflow answer is so good that it helps me understand something I had kind of given up on. The distinctions of login and interactive shells are…
Sometimes a Stackoverflow answer is so good that it helps me understand something I had kind of given up on. The distinctions of login and interactive shells are…
In 2018 Steam on linux got the ability to autodetect HiDPI screens and resize the UI accordingly. I would guess this kicks in on 4k resolutions. I’m guessing…
Customizing keyboard layout is a bit of a jungle. What works when you’re on the console may not work when you’re running X which again may not work…
I detailed in a recent post how I got a working WordPress container setup, complete with database and PHP engine. I saved the bit about how to redirect…
When your servers don’t respond / who you gonna call? Well, maybe not call but look. And I’m talking about my server residing on my HTPC not yours.…
It seems that the recommended way to change the references to the domain name in MySQL on a WordPress install is to take the whole thing offline and…
A step-by-step guide to excluding everything but http headers from sniffing results.
There’s an official WordPress docker image on the hub. Which means I have no good excuse to go make my own. Here’s my bad excuse: The official approach…