Testing dynamic-static page with blocks

  • Resurrecting imwheel

    Xmouse for Windows is brilliant. And it makes a mockery of any linux desktop user’s claim to having the more customizable user environment. Well at least as far…

  • Everything in it’s Right Place 4: Launch and switch

    This is the fourth post in a series on achieving an orderly desktop environment in GNOME 3, using no add-ons, only old school hacks. See also the first,…

  • Arch Linux: The Review Pros and Cons

    Linux distribution reviews are a regular feature of linux journalism. Twice a year a new Ubuntu release sees the light of day and sometimes they are deemed worthy…

  • Everything in it’s Right Place 3: Setting dedicated workspaces with devil’s pie

    This is the third post in a series on achieving an orderly desktop environment in GNOME 3, using no add-ons, only old school hacks. See also the first…

  • Arachnophobia: Getting the macro keys on the Razer BlackWidow to work on linux

    I bought the Razer BlackWidow for the hardware, not for Razer’s Synapse software or all the joys that it offers (Google suggest for searchers entering Razer Synapse? “Razer…

  • Everything in it’s Right Place 2: Setting static workspaces

    This is the second post in a series on achieving an orderly desktop environment in GNOME 3, using no add-ons, only old school hacks. See also the first…

  • Everything In It’s Right Place 1: My idea of a proper desktop

    I’m working on polishing a collection of minor desktop hacks that will transform my Gnome Shell experience into something more palatable than vanilla. In preparation for an article…

  • Gratification: Instant vs. delayed

    I have spent most of the day, trying to get a very rudimentary mail server setup working, using a number of wikis, guides and tutorials. Some work better…

  • Android Aside: Enchanced Email is the best app for Exchange ActiveSync account

    While most android issues or apps do not fall under the umbrella of linux or foss by any means, some android solutions are less obnoxious than others from…

  • Gnome crashes… because of a missing icon.

    As if to underscore my previous point, Gnome 3.10 introduced a new cause of crashes. Whenever I would intentionally or unintentionally drag a window from one workspace to…

  • Gnome Shell: Three years on

    The big battle of GNOME Shell has beeen pretty much fought out by now. I think the general consensus is that GNOME Shell lost but that there’s no…