Disabling functions key shortcuts in XFCE4-terminal
Disabling functions key shortcuts in XFCE4-terminal (so that they’re available for ncurses programs)
Let’s do Postfix slowly and properly – Part 3: Opening up to the outside
Testing the limits of local: System user email on a host accessible from the internet
Let’s do Postfix slowly and properly – Part 2: Address manipulation
Tweaking a local postfix setup with aliases, .forward and more.
Let’s do Postfix slowly and properly – Part 1: A simple local mail receiving server
Because simple is the best starting point.
Bluetooth Speakers Switch-on-Connect
As a postscript to my previous post about connecting Bluetooth speakers: Getting PulseAudio to switch to the newly connected speakers as the output (and the device receiving ‘Volume…
Bluetooth dual-booting: Sharing a bluetooth device between linux and windows
If you’ve used Linux for several years across various devices you are going to run into some hazy déja-vus – the feeling that you’ve been here before, facing…
My amazing aluminium lunchbox: Using a NUC5i3 as HTPC, web server, cloud server and living room gaming PC
I never did buy that Intel NUC D34010WYKH, the home server upgrade that I recognised some two months back was a completely frivolous investment. I didn’t buy it…
Seriously? Moralizing about the use of colour on a console? Who the Hell are you, the Talibash?
Why I desperately require and really don’t need an Intel NUC D34010WYKH
This is my tech lust. I desire this consumer object like non-technical people crave the most recent iphone model. I have perfectly serviceable server hardware but it leaves…
Everything in it’s Right Place 5: Toggles or Now you see it, now you don’t
This is the fifth and final post in a series on achieving an orderly desktop environment in GNOME 3, using no add-ons, only old school hacks. See also…
NetworkManager and intermittent lags in Steam Home-streaming
Steam in-home streaming is great. I can play graphics/CPU intensive games on my laptop sitting on my couch. Or I can let the (Windows) laptop run Spelunky while…
Why GNOME keybindings silently resist customization
Note: This relates GNOME Shell 3.10 in Ubuntu 14.04. Other versions may differ and YMMV. The keybindings of GNOME Shell can be changed using the system settings windows…
The first bit
I was wondering how to explain the concept of a ‘bit’ when the thought struck me that we have a perfect illustration in Genesis, chapter 1: 3 And God…
Alphanumericalize: Filename munging music file names in ABCDE
Rip-roaring and rigorous
Is Bolt CMS more than just WordPress Lite?
I’ve got blogs and I’ve got blogs. That is to say, I’ve got three public facing blogs (this one, one on gaming and one general themed) and then…
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- The site is named for Brokkr, a dwarf from Nordic mythology who helped craft Thor’s hammer Mjolnir to surpass the achievements of the Sons of Ivaldi and so win a bet against Loki. Something something free vs. proprietary software metaphor.
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