NGINX for humans
Readable documentation on NGINX configuration is scarce. So finding something good is a genuine cause for celebration. This Digital Ocean piece on location blocks didn’t directly address the…
Readable documentation on NGINX configuration is scarce. So finding something good is a genuine cause for celebration. This Digital Ocean piece on location blocks didn’t directly address the…
My pseudo-review of Arch made me realize that it wasn’t the right distribution for me anymore. Not really a critique as should be evident from the pros and…
Xmouse for Windows is brilliant. And it makes a mockery of any linux desktop user’s claim to having the more customizable user environment. Well at least as far…
This is the fourth post in a series on achieving an orderly desktop environment in GNOME 3, using no add-ons, only old school hacks. See also the first,…
Linux distribution reviews are a regular feature of linux journalism. Twice a year a new Ubuntu release sees the light of day and sometimes they are deemed worthy…
This is the third post in a series on achieving an orderly desktop environment in GNOME 3, using no add-ons, only old school hacks. See also the first…
I bought the Razer BlackWidow for the hardware, not for Razer’s Synapse software or all the joys that it offers (Google suggest for searchers entering Razer Synapse? “Razer…
This is the second post in a series on achieving an orderly desktop environment in GNOME 3, using no add-ons, only old school hacks. See also the first…