Testing dynamic-static page with blocks

  • My life as an IP hobo and the promise of Dynamic DNS

    When your servers don’t respond / who you gonna call? Well, maybe not call but look. And I’m talking about my server residing on my HTPC not yours.…

  • Moving site: Using MySQL to search-and-replace WordPress domain name

    It seems that the recommended way to change the references to the domain name in MySQL on a WordPress install is to take the whole thing offline and…

  • Inspecting HTTP headers with tshark

    A step-by-step guide to excluding everything but http headers from sniffing results.

  • WordPress on Docker: The 1-2-3 approach

    There’s an official WordPress docker image on the hub. Which means I have no good excuse to go make my own. Here’s my bad excuse: The official approach…

  • Let’s do Dovecot slowly and properly: Part 2 – Proper authentication

    Encrypting communications with dovecot and hashing passwords for safe storage

  • Let’s do Dovecot slowly and properly – Part 1: PLAIN as day

    Configuring a very basic dovecot setup as a foundation for more advanced features later on

  • Setting up Postfix and Dovecot Slowly and Properly

    Back in 2015 I embarked on an ambitious plan to blog my entire way through setting up my own selfhosted email server. I got a fair bit in…

  • Down the drain: The elusive ‘default’ PulseAudio sink

    There is no such thing as a default output device (or sink) in PulseAudio. It say so right there in the official documentation. There is something referred to…

  • Fixing the SteelSeries Arctis 7 outputs on Ubuntu 18.04/PulseAudio 11

    IMPORTANT: If you dualboot with Windows and run the Steelseries Engine software you should exercise caution when considering updating the headset firmware. Steelseries Engine version 3.2.18 introduced a…

  • Homeserver: NUC vs Raspberry Pi

    I have tried at various points to write a followup to my “so what’s it like using a NUC for a homeserver/HTPC?” post. Mostly it strands on there…

  • Trying out Fedora 26: No way-land?

    My relationship with Fedora is of the sort where every two years I look at screenshots and go ‘Nice, why am I not running this again?’ Then I…

  • Why my udev backup script kept failing and how I fixed it

    I wanted to use udev to sync my backups to an external usb drive but the rsync-based shell script kept mysteriously stopping before the job was done. When…

  • Steam In-home Streaming lags with NetworkManager revisited: Replacing NetworkManager with systemd-networkd

    Back in early 2015 I encountered an issue with NetworkManager: Even if you have ever only told it about your one single wireless network (or AP, access point)…

  • Chorus2 + Firefox 51 = Easier music streaming

    One of many new features in Kodi 17 is the new defaultĀ  web frontend, Chorus2. The old Kodi frontend was an extremely basic web remote that allowed you…

  • Upgrading to Kodi 17: The unintuitive bits

    Move the old .kodi profile to .kodi backup and start over. Judging from the changelog there have been a lot of changes to the media libraries so we…