Sharing directories with system users: Private user groups, set group and umask
Sharing is caring and system users have feelings, too
Sharing is caring and system users have feelings, too
Avoiding troublesome characters? Story of my life, mate
In 2018 Steam on linux got the ability to autodetect HiDPI screens and resize the UI accordingly. I would guess this kicks in on 4k resolutions. I’m guessing…
Customizing keyboard layout is a bit of a jungle. What works when you’re on the console may not work when you’re running X which again may not work…
There is no such thing as a default output device (or sink) in PulseAudio. It say so right there in the official documentation. There is something referred to…
IMPORTANT: If you dualboot with Windows and run the Steelseries Engine software you should exercise caution when considering updating the headset firmware. Steelseries Engine version 3.2.18 introduced a…
I have tried at various points to write a followup to my “so what’s it like using a NUC for a homeserver/HTPC?” post. Mostly it strands on there…
My relationship with Fedora is of the sort where every two years I look at screenshots and go ‘Nice, why am I not running this again?’ Then I…